Archiv článků

How to invest: Investing In Brazil

27.04.2010 00:22
In a world full of undiscovered prospects, it is never too late to try something new. Investors now looking for alpha and beta can think about adding a little bit of samba to their portfolio. With a steadily growing economy, a stable financial market and a liberal investment climate, Brazil has the...

How to...: Top Ways To Invest Your Tax Refund

14.04.2010 02:17
Instead of blowing your tax refund money on goodies or letting it languish in your checking account, put it to work for you. No matter how small your refund is, this article will tell you where you can invest it.  Ally Bank CDs If you're looking for a safe way to invest your money, a...

How to invest: Investors cautiously returning to stock market

13.04.2010 02:18
FOLLOW THE MONEY. If recent reports are correct, that shouldn’t be too hard because there’s plenty of spare money around looking for a place to invest. Canadians and Americans, it seems, have salted away billions of dollars during the economic recession and are starting to put it back into the...

How to invest: Alternative Ways To Invest In Facebook

09.04.2010 23:49
Founded in February 2004, Facebook, Inc., the company behind the social networking website of the same name, is a privately held company in Palo Alto, California. While you may think that only qualified investors who have a net worth of at least $1 million have an opportunity to buy private company...

Exclusive Interview with Prem Jain, Author of ‘Buffett Beyond Value’

08.04.2010 23:29
The Rational Walk is pleased to have this opportunity to present an exclusive interview with Prem C. Jain, the author of the recently released book Buffett Beyond Value which we reviewed last week. Prem Jain is the McDonough Professor of Accounting and Finance at Georgetown University. He has...

How to invest: What You Need to Know to Get Started

04.04.2010 01:56
Is it time to get in the game? If you have been sitting on the sidelines since the financial crisis and the stock-market crash, maybe you're feeling a little bolder now. The economy is looking better. The worst of the layoffs seem to have passed. And the stock market has certainly roared back --...

How to invest: Investing for growth

02.04.2010 22:36
Two readers ask where they should be investing their savings Where can I invest my money and after how long should I expect reasonable returns, asks Buhle. Ms Hatlane is currently studying and wants to know which institutions offer monthly savings products. Maya replies: This is a difficult...

Verizon iPhone: Is now the time to invest in Apple?

31.03.2010 23:50
All the latest news about a new Verizon iPhone and Apple dominance has got us thinking, and this is something all major mobile companies should think about too. It has been reported that Apple is working on two new iPhones, one for Verizon based on CDMA and an updated AT&T version based on GSM,...

How to Invest: Capital Gain, Dividend Income, Equity Securities (Shares), Debt securities (Bonds)

30.03.2010 01:25
The basic idea behind investment is simple – use your money to make more money. The money you invest in securities (shares issued by companies, debt securities and other investment units) is called "capital" and the money created is the "return on investment". With investment in shares, the return...

How to invest: How to Invest in Stocks for the Beginner

24.03.2010 00:45
Investing in stocks can be scary for a beginner. It doesn't have to be. There is a wealth of good information available and the process can be simple and straight forward. Follow these simple steps and you will be investing with confidence. Calculate how much you can afford to invest. If you...
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